9 Minimalist Kitchen Tips For Beginners - How to Make The Most Of The Minimal

The kitchen is usually called the heart of the home; it is the space to cook and gather with friends and family.
While enjoying the environment, you do not want the messy appliances or overstocking cutleries to ruin the atmosphere; one way to solve it is with a minimalist kitchen.
Saying minimalism does not mean emptying your kitchen, it is about simplifying your kitchen to make life easier while keeping its best function in your preferred way. Having no idea where to start is not a problem, here are some tips for you so you can decide how minimal you want your kitchen to be.
1. One cabinet at a time

Starting at the cabinet, it is always frustrating while tidying them, especially when they are loaded with too many things. So don’t bother cleaning them all at once, do one cabinet at a time, you will have a clear goal when dealing with an easy task and that gives you less overwhelming. Once you finish, you will receive a scene of accomplishment, that sense will give you motivation to keep it going next time. Although this way may take a while to minimize your kitchen, you surely have the motivation to get it done eventually.
2. Check your food
Go through your food, check if anything has expired and food you are not going to eat, don’t hesitate to throw them away, you are not going to eat them now either in the future. Then put those close to expiration date upfront and insight, so you will eat them on time before they expire.
3. Check your kitchen appliances

Look for any broken and unused or used items that you think you will use one day but have been sitting in a corner for decades, these items may not suit your lifestyle and you will not use them anytime in the future, do not bother keeping anything that takes up space for no reason, give or throw them away. Consider some items that may be used once in a while, think if it is possible to borrow it from someone, or just place them in a box to see if you really need it in the future.
4. Decide the number of items

Overstocking of cutleries and crockery will not be convenient to you, the only thing they do is to occupy your space. So keep the sets enough for your family members to use and a couple extras for any guest, if any. Get rid of the rest to keep your drawer organized, especially damaged ones, you do not want those broken items lying around.
5. Check for duplicates
Look for any duplicate items such as cooking cutleries and appliances, think to yourself, do you really need that many? Is it something that you can not live without? Does it have any special value or meaning to you? If none of them is yes, you can simply throw them away, you do not need that.
6. Have a home for everything

Leaving anything on the counter will only lead to piling up of clutter. When you are looking for something, it takes you more time and energy, thereby giving you more stress. Give everything in your kitchen a home, keep your things in order while putting away the things you use immediately and put them back where they belong, this will help you sort out the things you have and let you know what you have at a glance.
7. Organize
Keep similar things all in one place so it will be easier for everyone in the household to find it and put it back, this helps to keep the kitchen neat and tidy. Keep the item you use often in somewhere easily accessible, which saves you trouble to look for and grab it. However, things that are used less often should be kept away, and somehow you might discover you do not even need them.
8. Keep the countertop clutter-free
Clutter-free does not mean having nothing on it, you can put the items that make you happy or look pretty, something that is absolutely essential. The goal is to keep everything simple, the fewer items on the countertop, the less mess you can get, imagine if you had to clean each and every single item lying on the counter. How time consuming would that be?
9. Keep track

Keep an eye out for the things you have, check if there are any items that you have not been using. Such as those accumulative tupperwares, once they sit there, you probably are not going to use them again. Every once in a while, declutter the items you stock, either organize them or throw them away; maintain them regularly to avoid clutter and garbage.
Having a minimalist kitchen is not impossible, all you need is self-awareness. Every time you buy something new, give yourself a reason to throw away something old, do not overstock your kitchen to avoid clutter.
Once you have a minimalist kitchen, you will have a cleaner space, giving you breathing room for new creative ideas to spark. Also saving time and energy for you to clean, causing you less stress and frustration. Hope you can make your heart of the home a place you love.