FUJIOH brand site presenting a more comfortable home, starting from your kitchen.

Convenient features of cooker hood - 24-hour ventilation

Convenient features of cooker hood - 24-hour ventilation

Convenient features of cooker hood - 24-hour ventilation


...(standing by the window, gazing out at the city below, lost in thought about the latest project task.)

Hey, Mr. Fuji!
How's your work at the company going?

Hey, Kiyo san! It's been exciting, but there's so much to learn.
These cooker hoods have a lot more features than I expected.

Yes, they do!
For instance, FUJIOH has cooker hood with 24-hour ventilation, which helps in maintaining the air fresh even when you're not cooking.

Ah, that sounds like another interesting piece of information!

Although cooker hoods are often seen as just kitchen appliances, they also help maintain air quality.
In 24-hour ventilation mode, the cooker hood exhausts 75m³* of air per hour.

*24-hour ventilation: 10 Pa-75 m³/h or more, in accordance with BL standards Japan.
*The 24-hour ventilation function operates under the assumption that there is a supply of incoming air. Additionally, depending on the room's shape, there may be areas where air can become stagnant, so not all of the indoor air will be completely refreshed.

Wow, that seems like a lot! But I can't quite picture what that means.

Think of it this way, it's equivalent to filling 220* standard bathtubs with air every hour.

*Assuming a bathtub with internal dimensions of W998 × D660 × H500 mm.

That really puts it into perspective! So it's quite effective at moving a large amount of air.

Exactly. It's a handy feature that keeps your indoor air fresh and clean all day and night.

Thanks for the explanation! I'll definitely make the most of this feature in my home.

You're welcome! If you have more questions, feel free to find me—I might be hiding behind a fan!

Got it! I’ll be sure to track you down.

Anytime. Take care!

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